When a seller requests that all buyers are "prequalified," what they
are asking is to make sure a mortgage company believes the buyer
will be able to get the loan required to buy a house. the
mortgage company takes many factors into account when making this
decision. These factors include:
Once you are prequalifed for a new home loan,
this still does not guarantee that you will get a loan for a
specific house. There are other factors that may influence the
final decision from the lender. But this is about as close as
you can get to being certain you will get a loan. Also,
working with the lender through the prequalification process will
help you understand exactly what you can afford in terms of a final
price for a house.
Prequalify now using Seattle-Home-Loans.com's
prequalification service! Simply fill in the form below and a
pre-screened participating lender will contact you, usually within
24 hours.
Please bear in mind that some personally
identifying information will be required in order to prequalify -
such as date of birth and Social Security number. We will
never ask you for that type of information in a web form or email;
the lender will ask you for this information either by phone or
in-person. The only required information is name and
phone number. However, the more things you fill in, the easier
and faster it will be to get your prequlification process done.
Pre-approval form